Study of mosquitoes of the genus Eretmapodites in Mayotte
The main objective of the MEM project is to assess the potential role of Er. subsimplicipes and Er. quinquevittatus species in the transmission of arboviruses in Mayotte. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to first understand the biology of these mosquitoes.
The emergence and reemergence of infectious agents transmitted by mosquitoes highlight the significant global public health problem posed by vector-borne diseases. Mayotte, like other islands in the southwest Indian Ocean, is not spared from recurrent epidemics of arboviruses (Arthropod-Borne Viruses). For example, in recent years, the Rift Valley fever virus has affected animal health, while the dengue virus has caused epidemics in humans, thereby impacting the island's economy. In the absence of vaccines and effective treatments, vector control remains the primary means of protecting human and animal populations against arboviruses. However, the effectiveness of vector control requires the identification of vectors involved in the transmission of these infectious agents in order to carry out more targeted actions. A total of 45 mosquito species are described in Mayotte, among which are globally known species such as Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, and Culex quinquefasciatus for their involvement in arbovirus transmission. However, other species such as those belonging to the genus Eretmapodites could also play a role in arbovirus transmission. Indeed, two species of Eretmapodites are described in Mayotte: Er. subsimplicipes and Er. quinquevittatus. Apart from morphological descriptions, very few studies have been conducted on these mosquitoes. Nevertheless, these species are notable for their aggressiveness, and adult populations are often very dense in peri-urban and rural areas. Furthermore, Eretmapodites mosquitoes bite both humans and animals, thus potentially facilitating the transmission of infectious agents between these different types of vertebrate hosts.