Characterization of the trophic preferences of the Aedes albopictus mosquito regarding plants from Reunion Island.
The objective of the CAPRE project was to characterize the trophic preferences of Aedes albopictus populations in Reunion Island towards Reunionese plants.
In the adult stage, both male and female mosquitoes take sugar meals from floral or extra-floral nectars (derived, for example, from fruits and honeydew) to meet their physiological needs. The choice of plants on which mosquitoes feed depends on several parameters, including geographic distribution, seasonality, accessibility, as well as olfactory and visual stimuli. Previous studies have shown that certain plants provide mosquitoes with better selective value (survival and fecundity). Other studies have shown that sugar meals from floral nectars and fruits can affect the transmission of infectious agents by mosquitoes. Despite the growing interest in the role of plant biodiversity in interactions between mosquitoes and infectious agents, few studies have been conducted to date on Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.