PIMIT winner of the PEPR MIE
In the context of the France 2030 PEPR MIE call for projects, led by Inserm through the ANRS I Emerging Infectious Diseases (ANRS I MIE), the CAZIKANO project led by Professor Philippe DESPRES of the UMR PIMIT was selected among 11 laureates.
The CAZIKANO project concerns the Zika virus, which causes serious congenital malformations. It aims to characterize the factors favoring the pathogen transmission by mosquitoes and viral persistence in individuals. The objective is to propose innovative anti-infective strategies based on the antiviral action of compounds extracted from plants in the overseas territory.

The project is based on a scientific consortium comprising the Pasteur Institute in Paris, the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (CNRS Côte d'Azur), the Institute for Research on Health, Environment, and Work (Inserm Nantes), the Institute of Chemistry of Natural Substances (CNRS Jouy-en-Josas), the Pasteur Institute in Lille, and the University of Queensland (Australia).
Planned over 4 years (2024-2028), this project aims to recruit several researchers and engineers in entomology, molecular biology, and cell biology. Be sure to regularly check our job postings here.